Our Partners

King’s College London

King’s College London

Providing analytical support to FR-UK.

The 2021 REF confirmed King's place as one of the UK's top research universities.

Zoological Society London

Zoological Society London

An international conservation charity driven by science, working to restore wildlife in the UK and around the world by protecting critical species, restoring ecosystems, helping people and wildlife live together and inspiring support for nature.

Forensic Training Partnership

Forensic Training Partnership

Offering bespoke training and equipping the next generation of CSI’s to succeed in their roles and develop their careers.

Forensic Science Bureau

Forensic Science Bureau

Experts of Choice in cases involving CCTV related evidence. An internationally acclaimed team of highly trained and experienced experts in forensic video analysis.

Millington Hingley

Millington Hingley

Taking a collaborative approach to forensic science, built on decades of hands-on experience. The team's principal expertise is forensic biology, and their forensic scientists are accomplished expert witnesses who regularly give evidence in UK and international courts.



Spatter/ed is a bloodstain pattern analysis training and education platform dedicated to the delivery of professional development products for practitioners and enthusiasts.

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King's College London - with analytical support from King's Forensics

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